Person Responsible: LeitnerLeitner d.o.o.
Address: Dunajska cesta 159, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Business registration no.: 5926289000
VAT-ID: SI61706710
T +386 1 563 67 50
F +386 1 563 67 89
This website is maintained by:
moodley design group GmbH
Nikolaiplatz 5, 8020 Graz
FN 275953 p serves the purpose of presenting the LeitnerLeitner group of companies and providing information of a general nature on the areas of tax advice and auditing.
Limitation of liability for internal content
We have compiled the content of our website with the utmost care and to the best of our knowledge. We are only responsible for content actually created by us. Therefore, the content does not necessarily reflect our opinion, and we cannot guarantee that all content is up to date, complete, and accurate. Should we become aware of any unlawful content, we will immediately remove the content in question. The purpose of the content on this website is only to provide information about us and is therefore no substitute for a tax consultation.
Limitation of liability for external links
Our website contains links to external websites operated by third parties. Because we have no control over their content, we cannot assume any liability for them. Should we become aware of any legal infringement, we will immediately remove the link in question. The inclusion of links to other websites does not mean that we endorse or agree with these sites nor that we have a business or other relationship with their operators.
Copyright disclaimer
All texts, graphics, photos, logos/brands, designs, etc., are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights. These materials may only be used within the framework of the statutory provisions (e.g. private use) or with the prior written consent of the rights holder. Any other reproduction, processing, distribution and any form of exploitation is prohibited.